Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Holidays! A few changes...

Yes! You're at Hudson's Adventures!

We are in Maryland, and I'm TRYING not to work. So I took a few minutes to change our blog's format tonight. Let me know what you think! It was cute but a little busy, so I decided that like the rest of my life, I needed to SIMPLIFY!

Also, my sweet almost niece Maddie (Kirk's cousin's daughter) said she checks this blog almost every day. She is such an awesome 10-year-old that I want to step it up a bit. (HI MADDIE!!!)

So I thought I'd post a few pictures for your holiday enjoyment.

This is our fabulous play group. Can you believe we have one member that is a year old already (Sweet Nora in the front right)? We all got together for a holiday party, and it was so much fun chasing everybody around! Lindsey and Ella (in pink) were great hostesses!

Here's Hudson and his buddy John. They love playing together!

This is Hudson's auntie Melinda. She loves her some Hudson!

We went on a family outing to New Braunfels to see the lights at Shliterbahn. Beautiful!

For Thanksgiving, we celebrated Christmas with the Wescott clan in Midlothian. So fun!

And finally, I can't believe I haven't told you about music class. It's been fascinating to see Hudson in this environment! Here's our first class. He LOVES the shaker eggs.
But he thinks the maracas are especially delicious! Funny story: There is a slobber bucket in each class where you put the instruments that your child slobbers on. Hudson wins the prize for the most instruments in the bucket every time! (OK, there is no prize, but I'm just making myself feel better.) I guess our sweet teacher Larisa was trying to make me feel better too, because she noted that Hudson is eating on the instruments TO THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC! Ha! Do you think she's a pro or what?!?

Hudson's personality in a group is really coming out. While most all the other kids are sitting in their moms' laps, Hudson is almost always in the middle of the circle, nowhere near me. Often he is watching the teacher intently (not a bad thing), but it does make me feel silly singing without Hudson with me. (I draw the line at dancing - I go scoop him up and make him dance with me!)

We'll upload a few videos soon, but enjoy these photos in the meanwhile. And happy holiday!

Fun with Buela

Fun with Buela
Originally uploaded by Kendra & Kirk Wright
We are having fun in Maryland, and Hudson decided to model his hat
that matches his Hudson sweater. Too cute for words!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Our Dump Truck Driver

Hudson opened an early Christmas gift from Aunt Gail and his cousin,
Luis. The dump truck was a big hit! Walk behind, ride or load the
dumper with blocks. :)

Truman and Hudson playing

Truman and Aunt Tracy came for a quick visit on Sunday. Truman found a great way to get Hudson laughing by playing with his speedy inch worm. And thankfully Gracie was there to help out in the end. :)

Watch the video here:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our little Shrimp

It's official; Hudson completed his first swim class at the YMCA.
We'll start again after the holidays, but let me tell you he has no
fear of the water and jumps back in as soon as you put him up on the
side of the pool. Very fun!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Morning ritual

Morning ritual
Originally uploaded by Kendra & Kirk Wright
Good morning! Here is a little peek into Hudson's world. Every
morning, we take a little tour of the bathroom. A favorite spot is the
closet door. It has it all - the ever-popular open and close
functionality, ability to pull up to standing and most importantly the
mirror to admire one's handsome self. :) Have a great day!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our kitchen helper

Do you think we can get him this interested in helping with the dishes
when he's a teenager? :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

All Aboard!

As you know I am a hit with the ladies. Mommy is the lady that loves me the most and is so nice to me. To prove it she likes to let Miss Christine take me so many fun places so that the ladies can get a good look at me. I used to only go to super fun places with Mommy and Daddy but now Miss Christine can use Mommy and Daddy's car to take me to all sorts of fun places too. For me that means more time to flirt out there in the world.

Miss Christine took me to ride on a special train The Zilker Zephyr. It was so much fun. Everyone waved to me as I went past them.I tried to watch the trees and shrubs as we moved by them but my eyes couldn't move fast enough. It made Miss Christine laugh and laugh to see me try to hard at it.

I wanted to just ride and ride but Miss Christine said we had to go! She wouldn't just let me sit in the back seat without my chair but in this picture below she let me lounge for a minute before she put me in my car seat. Ahh, it sure felt good to just sit back and relax after a long train ride. I know I am a handsome boy but I am not so sure I wanted Miss Christine to take this picture. Hopefully the ladies will just think it shows how laid back I am.

I am off to have some more fun! All aboard, because this train is leaving the station.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Standing tall

What's all the excitement about I'm just standing here. :) Hudson now stands for about 4 or 5 seconds on his own and typically just let's go when he is busy trying to get something to put in his mouth.

November Calendar

Bigger and Bigger - at his 9 month checkup, Hudson was 29.75" long (90th %tile) and 21.3 lbs (60th %tile).

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fun in the tube

Hudson has discovered how to have fun in the tube at the playground.

Watch the video here:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why the Ladies Really Love Me

Hi there everyone, it's me, Hudson. So, I learned something new this week. . . the ladies love me. Funny huh!?! Mommy always thinks I am so handsome, and sometimes I am even stinky but she still thinks I am the bees knees. Miss Christine sure does think I am a cutie too. This week I was sure a big hit when I helped with the chores. The ladies really love that. The laundry is my very favorite thing to help with. Just look at how great a help I am in this video.

Mommy, and Daddy are training me how to be the most handsome, handiest, sweetest little boy ever. To top off all of my adorableness, I have been working on my second tooth for a while and it finally came in this week. The two bottom ones are in but I really need the top ones to complete the look. Watch out ladies!!

Well I think I will go be adorable now. You know, it is sort of my job!! See ya later.


The Little Ladies Man

Hudson loves presents

The ribbon is especially fun!

Hudson's First Swimming Lesson

Today Hudson took his first swimming lesson at the YMCA in Austin. He is in the "Shrimp" class for 6 month - 17 month kids.

You can't tell from the picture, but he had a great time. While sitting on the side of the pool and learning to kick his feet, he would kick for a while then just lean forward and belly flop into my arms.

The only time he got a little upset was when we were supposed to kick our feet when a ball came toward us to send the ball over to another baby. He really didn't like the idea that he wasn't supposed to grab the ball. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Too many choices

It made me laugh today watching Hudson dump his toys all around him
and then try to decide which to play with first. The balls that rattle
won out.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quick giggle

Hudson doesn't know how much Gracie doesn't like him (thank goodness). He thinks she is hysterical!

That smart shoe store owner

They had toys there too, so shhhh... We did a little shopping for Dee Dee and Granddaddy's Christmas gifts. We heard these buggies are a hit!

Baby got a new pair of shoes!

No more shoeless wonder for us! Hudson is looking fine in his new
loafers. Such a big boy! I'm not ready!!

What a flirt!

What a flirt!
Originally uploaded by Kendra & Kirk Wright
We went to story time today, and Hudson entertained the crowd by
crawling all over the place instead of sitting nicely in my lap. These
three moms are laughing at Hudson obviously feeling very comfortable
with them. So funny!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Air Hudson

Hudson has started taking the Johnny jumpup to new levels. He loves jumping and jumping and jumping. It just cracks me up watching him. :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween, everyone!

We hope you enjoy this, the first of several wardrobe changes today!
Nothing like a little costume at 5:30 a.m. to entertain a mommy!
Thanks, Aunt Gail!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall day at Seabrook

Hudson's first visit to the beach at Seabrook with Christine and Kendra

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Little Monkey

The last couple of weeks everyone keeps calling me a little monkey! Why would they call me that? All I do these days is climb and squirm and climb some more. Do monkeys do those things? Miss Christine said that I am just like a monkey only more adorable. I guess that isn't so bad then. I have been working so hard at so many things, I think everyone is very impressed.

First of all Miss Christine caught me dancing on video. I was trying to show her all my very best dance moves. I think she was really happy to see me dance because she just laughed and laughed. Don't you just love it when grown ups laugh, it is so cute.

Next on my hard work list is how I have been trying so hard to be a big boy. I went on the slide and swing with Miss Christine and woo hoo was that a good time. She said that one day I will be able to go on those fun park things all by myself so I have been practicing all my trickiest moves so I can get strong and be a big boy sooner. I have been crawling everywhere as fast as possible and pulling myself up to anything I can grab. I keep trying to climb up onto the bed or sofa table but I am just not tall enough yet. I also keep falling but nothing is going to stop me in my quest for big boy-ness.

Finally I have to tell you how hard I have been working on growing my teeth. I did it, I grew a tooth while Mommy, Christine, and I were in Seabrook! It took me all night and I had to have Mommy stay up with me to help but I did it. I don't know why but Mommy was very tired all of the next day. Grown ups are so funny like that. Now I just need a few more teeth so I can eat that barbecue stuff Mommy talks about. I am not really sure what that is but it sounds good.

So there you have it, I am on my way to big boyhood. Catch me if you can!


Little Monkey

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hudson has a few things to say

Trying out his voice while riding in the car last week. Not his best look, but pretty funny. :)

Watch the video here:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Gotta be the shoes!

Visiting our friends in Portland, Hudson got a knit hat and his first pair of Nikes. Perfect for the fall Portland weather. As you'll see, he's not so sure what the shoes are all about. :)

You can watch the video here:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Having fun in Portland

This is Hudson on the trampoline with Allie, who was our next door
neighbor in Portland and who I met when she was almost exactly
Hudson's age now! It was so great to see all our old neighbors!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Artsy raspberries

Hudson loves to do raspberries these days, even though it's not the
best look for him. So I made it artsy.

Hudson's first library story time

Crawling through the middle of the circle

Here he is... the guy with all the stuff

He did great on the flights... except the ever-popular poop on the

We used to carry on...

Do you ever take a peek at something and laugh at how things have
changed? Here is our luggage for our Poetland trip. And we didn't even
bring a car seat!! :) (He's worth it.)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So Busy!!

Well, I am going to keep this short because I am so busy crawling, pulling myself up, and exploring, that I asked Miss Christine to help me blog today. Thanks Miss Christine!!

Hudson has been learning so fast and I feel really lucky to be around for all of these fun growing experiences. Not yet having children of my own, little Hudson reminds me of what a special gift babies are. He has been watching and learning so much this last week, from waving, to responding with laughs and smiles when the people he loves enter the room, and even learning how to tell all the grown ups around what he thinks with cute little grunts and coos. I found this great poem that pretty much sums up how amazing all of the learning is and how special it is to be part of it. Enjoy.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you hang my
first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately
wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a
stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind
to animals.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make my
favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little
things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a
prayer, and I knew that there is a God that I could always
talk to, and I learned to trust in Him.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make a
meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I
learned that we all have to help take care of each

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of
your time and money to help people who had nothing,
and I learned that those who have something should
give to those who don't.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you take care
of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have
to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw how you
handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't
feel good, and I learned that I would have to be
responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw tears come
from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things
hurt, but it's all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw that you
cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn't looking I learned most of
life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and
productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking I looked at you and
wanted to say, 'Thanks for all the things I saw when
you thought I wasn't looking.'

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Pumpkins, and Swings, and Crawling . . . OH MY!!

After a nice little vacation to Mexico, I was so excited to come home and get back to my new routine of playing with Miss Christine. On Monday morning she showed up to my house with a little pumpkin just for me to have. I was so glad to get one of my very own because it kind of looks like a ball and I really love balls. Miss Christine took a nice picture of me holding my pumpkin. She said I looked so handsome in my picture and I think she might be right because Mommy always says I am handsome too.

Miss Christine and I had a lot of adventures this week. We played on the swings, watched the rain fall, and took a trip to Central Market. We also had a lot of fun exploring my neighborhood and saw lots of flowers, trees, birds, and squirrels. Miss Christine even let me touch some of the trees and flowers. I thought that I should put them straight into my mouth but Miss Christine said they were to look pretty and not to eat. I will have to try to remember that. Hmm. . . I wonder how grown-ups can tell what is to look pretty and what is to eat. I just like to try eating everything I touch:)

Mommy, Daddy, and Miss Christine had to be on their guard extra well this week because I was working so hard to crawl very speedy. I think they were all very proud of me on account of my trickiness too. When they turned around, even for one little second, I crawled away speedy quick. Once I even thought about trying to pull myself up onto the coffee table. Just thought about it really, but I think I will do it soon! I don't know why all the grown-ups around here keep saying that they are in for it now. What does that mean anyway? I hope it means in for lots of fun!!

I tried some interesting foods this week. Miss Christine made me some extra special applesauce. She was really excited to let me try but I didn't really like it. I tried to be polite but I need to train her to feed me only yummy food so I made a really sour face and spit it out/gagged, she could tell it was not my favorite. Mommy tried to feed me some special green bean and peas baby food and I showed her how yucky I thought it was too. Training grown-ups is really hard work but it should pay off in the end!

Well, this was a fun week. I have to get crawling now. Catch me if you can!!!

Loves from,

Out for morning drive

Don't tell the cops!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hudson's first wave

We stopped in Eddy, TX on the way to Aunt Tracy's, and Hudson waved for the first time at the gas station attendant Chris. He and Chris became very tight actually and even posed for a picture. :)

Sunset in Punta Mita

Sunset in Punta Mita
Originally uploaded by Kirk

Fun in Mexico

Originally uploaded by Kirk
"Hey Mom, I sure like the beach. Let's plan another trip while we are on this one."

Our Little Beach Bum

Our Little Beach Bum
Originally uploaded by Kirk
Its a rough life taking naps on the beach in Mexico. Sure wish we had this setup at home. :)